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author press kit
Ahdri Kent


Georgia born, Savannah based and world traveled, this freshly out and proud member of the lgtbq+ family hits the Self-Help paper scene with a sharp, succinct and seriously fuckin funny approach to crushing codependency and creating the life you truly want. When she’s not composing, obsessing over pitbulls, cooking, writing, or singing at the top of her lungs she can be found adventuring around the globe with her Fiance and scheming about her next act of rebellion with a sparkle in her hazel eyes. 


book description

If the title of this book made you want to read the’re a People Pleaser. And if that’s the case, I don’t even need to describe what’s inside because you already want to read it just to make me proud. Because you value my opinion of you, even though we’ve never met. Firstly, I already like you. We’ll probably be best friends. So don’t even worry about that. And secondly, believe it or not, that thing that will drive you to read this book cover to cover, to get lost in the funny and fucked up life stories of me and my clients, to crush all the intense emotional exercises in every chapter so you can feel those ‘pat on the back’ endorphins...that’s not the thing that needs to change. That’s your massively giving heart. It’s beautiful, like you, and doesn’t need to be toned down. Instead these pages and the insights within will help you learn to harness that big love for the betterment of yourself. Because you can’t love too hard. Your capacity to love so generously is what makes you a goddamn unicorn in this world. We just need to be sure you’re aiming that love in the right direction first. (yup, you guessed it, directly at that hot piece of cute af reading these very words) So crack this baby open and take the first step of your recovery from People Pleasing Addiction. All the while, staying whimsical, rebellious and gloriously YOU.


purchasing & reviews

Hardcover and paperback copies of 
The Whimsical Rebel : 

Break People Pleasing Addiction without Becoming an Asshole 

are available for purchase with applicable distributor/industry
discounts at

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"It’s funny. It’s devastating. It’s confrontational. It’s compassionate. It’s challenging. It’s honest. Most importantly, it’s transformational and entirely unpretentious..."  

for more reviews click the icon below 

Quantity sales and special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details contact  Publish Your Purpose Press

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